Sunday, January 9, 2011

Living Out Loud

It has been a quiet weekend; one of those weekends where all I want to do is just kick back and catch up on all the things that I have been putting off. For me, this weekend has been about relaxing at home, reading books that I am excited about (this time, it is revisiting some favorites), and enjoying some of the offerings on television. It truly has been a lazy weekend and I figure I can always make my weekend more exciting next week, when I am off for an extended break.

But this lazy weekend also has me thinking: am I staying true to my resolutions? I did say I would live my life, get out more often and enjoy all the activities and excitement out there. The thing is, I do not feel like I am somehow failing in my resolutions (not quite yet). I am a homebody at heart and have my moments where I want to be social and see other people but for the most part, this counts as a perfect weekend. I have not felt stressed by making plans and keeping plans; dealing with the craziness of Miami traffic, and all the myriad other things that causes my blood to boil on an almost daily basis.

But having spent this weekend at home, I am now happy to seek out some plans for next weekend. With a little planning and some friends who are free and willing to make a fun time of it. So perhaps this is the balance I have been looking for. A way to keep my resolutions, but not stray so far away from the things that also center me to the person that I am, the person that I have strived very hard to become. So, I am looking forward to planning some fun times next weekend and for the coming year. My social calender needs a little jolt and the only person who can supply the needed juice is myself. So, here is to jump starting my social life this new year; I will let you know how it goes.

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