I feel like it is one of those days where I am hitting the high notes: the sun is shining, the weather is beautiful - not too warm, not too cool and the humidity is still high, but manageable. I am making plans: eating a little healthier in general, thinking about hitting the gym later and making plans for what else I need to do for the week.
And in all of this, I have been thinking about love. It does not help that at the moment I am also currently obsessing about one of the BBC period dramas that they do so well, with all its intrigues and love-crossed lovers and everything else. It has me not necessarily longing for a time when actions and words carried more weight and more subtlety than they do these days, but it definitely has me longing.
I guess this may also be a symptom of Valentine's day fast approaching (again. The yearly treat to make you reassess your relationship status, whatever it may be) but I have been thinking alot about love. I have been thinking about how much love I have for my friends and how loved I feel by the tiniest gesture because I know it comes from some place marvelous. I have been thinking about being in love and what that means to me and thinking about whether I still feel as though I am not the marriage type. Hell, that I am not the commitment type. I do not want to say that I am reexamining all the things I thought true about myself, but I am looking them over. Making sure that they are still valid and that I still want the same things I did years ago.
I have been thinking about how love can change, for both the good and the bad. About how some people grow stronger and more secure and others seem to fall apart and fall aside in their love. I am thinking about how love can linger, well past the actual feeling -t hat catch in your heart or the jump in your throat. But it lingers and stays, like an indelible tattoo emblazoned on your soul, on you mind, on your heart. Where ever it is that love truly lies. I have been thinking about the small and the big, but most of all I have been thinking about how grand it all is. And, that even after all this time, I still believe in love, even if sometimes it feels like it does not believe in me anymore.
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