Saturday, January 5, 2008

Every Eight Seconds

Guess I am wondering what it is about the new year that just screams new beginning and sorting life out in general. Is it really true that as one door closes, another one opens? And how quickly does the door open - what if two doors open at once and when you shut one, you find the other one is closed as well? What if that door was never really open anyway - at least not for you?

Sometimes I wonder if life is less about the paths we choose and more like an Alice in Wonderland type of scenario.....we're all wandering around, opening and closing doors and trying our hardest ways to fit through the ones we want or think we want. If something appeared before me, saying "drink me" guarantying that I could get through the door I want, would I do it, damn the consequences? I am not sure....because maybe that is not where I am meant to go. Maybe it should never have been opened to me in the first place.....

Someone recently said to me that in love, you are never sure how long you wait before that special someone else comes along. Sometimes it is years, sometimes months, and sometimes it's eight second later. What if that person came along eight seconds too early? And when you're finally catching up to them, you're eight seconds behind......

Do you wait? Do you hope the moment comes around again and suddenly you're both in perfect sync or do you just walk further down the corridor, looking for the next open door? I am not one to give up easily on something I want but I am also not one to blindly believe in what people say, not in certain situations or moments when intentions - as good as they may be - become a bit more muddled than we would like.

So every eight seconds, does someone else get disappointed? Every eight seconds, does love search you out and you just need to be ready for it, whatever guise it may take.....every eight seconds might be eight seconds too long for some and too short for others. Every eight seconds, I am holding my breath hoping this time I actually get what I want. And every eight seconds, I am denied what matters most to me.

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