Thursday, February 3, 2011

Alone Among the Masses

I know someone who recently commented that it is amazing that with all the friends that we collect these days, it sometimes the times where we feel most human that we realize how little friends we actually have. Maybe my friend did not say those exact words, but the gist was there. Basically, the idea that even though we are more connected in our lives - social networking sites, online dating, blogs, the whole shebang -we may be less connected to the people we know.

I can relate. It is not a fluke of my nature that when I was going through the most difficult time of my life, I suddenly pared down the "friends" on my social network, and made my daily happenings harder to access than the US Mint. In my life, I was experiencing a lot that I found hard to deal with and needed to feel protected. Hence, I drew my shell in - in a metaphorical sense - and in a literal sense, I restricted my online life and all the people who interacted with me in that manner.

My friend has reminded me of my resolutions - of how I am trying to reconnect with people I know and love. How hard it has been to feel that I belong over the past year, how many strides I have taken in the last month alone, and how far I still have to go. It reminds me that those little unexpected gestures can mean so much, even though we think that they are not noticed or that they have been disregarded. That sometimes what we see as nothing at all can mean the world to someone else.

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