X-Men Origins: Wolverine - look to your left. Do I need any more explanation for why I would want to see this movie? Yum, yum. But other than that (and possibly showing just how truly geek I am), I have always preferred the origin story lines when reading comics (and I do mean comics, not that graphic novel crap that has become popular as of late). So this has it all: hot lead, interesting story arc, and hopefully some great action sequences. And this is one movie that I know I will definitely be seeing this weekend.
Star Trek - I actually did not think that Star Trek could get any sexier than Next Generation with Patrick Stuart but my god, do I love the new cast! First off, Simon Pegg (think Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz) as Scottie??? Absolutely brilliant! Secondly, John Cho is one of my favourite actors - he is the very reason I have watched the Harold and Kumar movies, and he is a sibling to my favourite comeddianne of all times! So I am heartily looking forward to this movie. And the really sexy Spock and Captain Kirk make it quadrupally(?) worthwhile.

Another bit of casting genius is Christian Bale in Terninatior: Salvation. We all know he does brooding and dark well, and whom better to resuurect the franchise. I do think this is the one things I hate about summer: all the sequels and franchises get revised, for better or for worst. Yet this seems like a good way to go - after all, all the other Terminator movies focused on the robots as the main star and after about four of those, it really is time to root for the good guy; for the humans. And with all the publicity that Bale has gotten, this movie is sure to draw the crowds.
Okay, I will admit: this one seems a little not my speed given that I have been waxing poetically (well, not so much poetically as just waxing on and on about all the hotties in the summer season) about action flicks left and right. Yet I enjoyed the first one, so I thought why not give the second one a shot. And I do like Ben Stiller, even when all of his characters seem the same, no matter what the flick or th subject matter. And if I watched Tropic Thunder and managed to get some laughs out of it, how much worse could Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian can't be that much worse.
Dance Flick - because even if the spoof flick is merely drivel, I still find some fun in trying to figure out all the myriad films they are trying to copying. And the dance genre is just ripe for some parody and apeing.
This is where I am showing my age and the decade during which I grew up - this is the first of the summer flicks that harkens back to a simpler time, a time that I know well. I am so geeked to see Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. I enjoyed the first one immensely and wish that I could go see this film with the same date I had for the last one. But arranging a trip up to Chicago just to see a film? Highly unlikely.

Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs - I have neices and nephews, so this is on the list as a family choice. Something that I could go see - and something I am sure to be dragged to. But on a more interesting side note, I thought the Ice Age (with the woolly mammoths and all that) happened well after the dinosaurs had expired. My science might be wrong or I may have watched too many hollywood movies with cave men hunting sabers and mammoths but still, how can the ice age include the dawn of an extinct species?? Answers, please!
Another possible family favourite but the one that I want to see on my own is Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. If you might remember, I spent earlier this year finally getting around to completing the Harry Potter series and even read the last book in one night (thank god I was unemployed, right?) and so I am always curious to see how the movies diverge from the books and trying to figure whether the book or the movie was better or in the end, should be considered two seperate aspects of the same phenomenon - related, but should not be compared as being inherently similar. Plus, the actors are getting a bit older and so much hotter. Though a hotter Potter is still jail bait for me.

Another sequel I am on the fence about, but would watch if I have nothing better to do and someone wants to pay for my ticket (hint, hint) would be Final Destination: Death Trip. The reason I have faithfully watched all these movies? Because the initial premonition ends up being so absolutely sickening that it is a thrill to watch. After that, the movie just tends to be a gore-fest but those first twenty minutes? Always entertaining and always novel.
Another two that I have heard some about - but not much - and still waiting to see the trailers in order to make a final determination would be District 9 and Inglourious Basterds. There are also a couple of indies that I would not mind paying an afternoon/matinee rate (i.e. cheaper) to go see, including The Ugly Truth, Rudi y Curci, and Julie and Julia.
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