Wednesday, October 20, 2010

And This is Why I Hate Octobers...

As some of you may know, my life is in a lot of turmoil in the past couple of months and I have had to make the hard decision to give Cam away to a good and loving home. It is best for her, as my life is not very stable and I want her to have as much love as possible and a good home to go to.

A little bit about Cam:

I adopted her from a shelter in Chicago about four and a half years ago. She was a stray dog and when I adopted her, they said she was about four years old. That makes her about nine years old. For such a mature dog, she is still pretty sprightly but does have a bit of a stiff back left leg. I have been feeding her treats with glucosamine in them, but also the jointcare treats from Pedigree.

She is a people dog: she loves to be petted and cuddled but I have found her to be intensely loyal. She is also very protective of her owner and while she has never bitten anyone, someone with some knowledge of animals, especially dogs would deal well with her. She is fully house trained and responds to many commands, including 'high five' and 'shake'. For a dog, she prefers to take walks rather than chasing a ball or sticks, but she will run after any small animals, such as squirrels, birds, etc. and has been known to sometimes catch and kill (she is an animal and it is instinct).

As you can see in the pictures, Cam is a medium sized dog. She is under forty pounds (roughly 18 kilo). As mentioned, she is probably about nine years old. She is a mixed breed dog, but definitely part chow-chow as her tongue is mottled purple. She has a mostly black coat with some brown, grey, and white brindling on her snout and legs. She has a double coat, which means a shorter coat as well as the longer coat that you can see. This means regular brushing is a requirement, and she also tends to shed.

For the next week, I have placed Cam with an agency that will take care of her, but by Thursday, October 23rd, 2008 I will need to either have found a home for her or else I will need to take her to a no-kill shelter. I would prefer to know with whom Cam will be staying, as she has been a great companion over the past couple of years. And I think she still has so much love to give and she deserves so much love as well.

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