Thursday, April 2, 2009

On a break...

Well, after waxing poetic (or, really, just waxing on and on) about the tedious nature of the job hunt and how I was plodding away at it, I am about to leave for parts known on Friday. Once again, I am heading up to my brother's - probably the last time while he is still in Florida - and enjoying some more pool time, some sun (which fair enough, can be had in Miami as easily as where my brother lives), and some family time. I am excited, because it will be relaxing but also means I can explore his neck of the woods a bit more.

And if I time everything right, I might even be able to see a good friend of mine. I figure, I am already a third of the way up the coast of Florida and my friend lives about two thirds up the coast. So, instead of a six hour drive down to see me for him (or me up to see him), it is only about three hours drive for him down to me. I am absolutely psyched about the possibility. This is probably the male counterpart to my friend that I gushed about just a couple of entries ago. This guy and I were so close when we were in university, people eventually thought we were dating (which could start me on a tirade about why people assume that guys and girls cant be friends, but another day, another entry...)

So, I am looking forward to a great weekend. And it seems the perfect way to celebrate the fact that I am almost approaching a huge milestone. Another birthday down, but this year, another decade gone as well. Whew!

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