Saturday, January 27, 2007

The Break-Up

Hi All,

well, when last we met, I was still going on ad nauseum about my break up and how broken up (sic!) I was but thanks to the wonder twin power (Cel, shape of shoulder to cry on) and lots of time with lots of perspective, I am happy to say I am no longer broken. I am thoughtful, hopeful, relieved, still wondering and so much more - bit nostalgic but very determined - but I am not broken!

I am absolutely thrilled that I will be in Miami soon (February 6th). It has been almost a year since I laid eyes on Cel, Michy, Cecie, Zonia, and the rest of the assorted nuts I call friends and I have yet to see Lucky, who I am dying to meet. Maybe I can even get him to stop chewing on Cel whenever we speak on the phone...if he sees me, perhaps he will know my voice is not a signal to nibble on his mummy. Smile....

Oh, yes, and as you may all know, I am gearing up for getting a real job! Yes, I am leaving grad school at the end of summer, packing up my bags, and heading to London. Yea, still moving forward with that despite that fact that I will know hardly anyone and I will be miles and miles from the people I love. The other thing is that I have realized that if I make this move, I am not going to be coming back to America to live. Visits yes; extended stays a possibility but my life from here on out is in the UK. Which scares me quite a bit, especially knowing that all the plans I had held dear for so long are gone, but I also know that it means Cel will be coming to visit more often. So I will make sure there is an extra sleeper and I send out an open invite to anyone who wants to make the trek

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