Well, I roll into MIA (can you just hear the gansta??? HA!) tomorrow evening and I am so looking forward to it...In particular order, my reasons that I am happy to be heading home:
1. I can actually wear shorts. And tank tops. And people can see my face. My whole face - not just a wisp of eye or something. For those who I have not told or don't know, it has been terribly cold here in the windy city, with temperatures in the single digits or hovering around zero. Which would not be so bad except that is the air temperature. Factor in the bloody wind and the temperatures have been down in the negative twenties to thirties. So, going outside is an ordeal. Walking Cam is an ordeal (I am getting to the point where I want to hold her outside of the window and let her pee). Waiting for public trans-p to go anywhere is an ordeal. So yea to sunshine and humidity and 90 degree weather.
2. I get to see my friends, the assorted nuts as I said earlier. It's been almost a year and so many things have changed with me and with them. More importantly, I have now gotten to the point of feeling like I have to hoard every experience so I can look back fondly when I am far away half a year from now. Which makes me more willingly to jump out of bed and head out to do things (never thought I would say that, did you?).....
3. I feel somewhat more popular. I already have two engagements, for the same night, and feel so wanted! Okay, truthfully, I recognize this glint of popularity is only because I orbit in the stunningly brilliant sphere of Cel but still, a girl can dream, can't she?
4. I get to see my mom and nephew and brother and his partner and my dad and....I could go on, but basically, I get to see my family. Which actually should be at the top of the list since it is the whole reason I booked to fly when I did but since the cold is the most pressing thing on my mind (and anywhere else that I chance to leave exposed), it got pushed down a bit as I write this.
5. I get to annoy Cel with my wannabe british accent. Which I have not really been working on but suddenly, I realize that old habits really do die hard. And that I probably should not be watching so many damn BBC dramas that it influences my accent. But it makes the boys pay attention in Chicago because to them I am exotic sounding (and looking)! And I bet you then, when I am finally in the UK, the American accent will be at its strongest because I can then sound exotic to the Brits!
I could list many more reasons but for now, just glad to be going home should suffice.
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