Alright, so I have not posted anything in a while but I have good reason: I have been so busy with the holidays and just the general craziness that comes with this time of year, I really have not had a moment to breathe. But now, I am sitting at my computer, and wanting to share some of the good times.
For Thanksgiving, I headed off to Atlanta to spend time with my brother, his partner, and the baby, Jonathan. My parents and my aunt drove up along with my two cousins. It was a good time in general and I really needed to spend the time with my family. I forget sometimes how much my family grounds me and after all the craziness of the last few months, I was so happy to just talk to my parents about everything that has been going on and that I am thinking - moving to England, leaving school at the end of the semester, the whole dating Tony fiasco, being depressed - and realizing that my parents just want to support me in whatever I decide.
It was also great to hang out with my little nephew. He makes me realize that I really want to have kids, but that right now, I am not ready for all the responsibility. From the funnny incidents (hmm, aunty Marisa drawing a bath for Jonathan and then forgetting to plug the tub so after about five minutes, there was no more water....). Yeah, I am so not ready for certain things in life. But still, there is something to be said about watching this little person grow and change in front of you and realizing how much fuller a house seems with family in it.
Unfortunately, along with all the love that my nephew gave me, he also seems to have passed along his cold to me. And I am still suffering three weeks later. The first week back was the worst, especially with all the grading and end of semester things that needed to be done but I could not get to for the sheer want of sleep and being hopped up on cold meds (by the way, not a good combination with all the other crap I was taking at that time). I have been getting better but it seems if I push myself, I tend to develop a hacking cough (think smoker's cough except I have never smoked!).
Add the wonderfully brisk weather that we had for the last week and a half ( I think Cel may remember me saying that I could not wait for it to WARM UP to the thirties! yep, thirties was considered warm!) and now the warmer-than-usual week we have been having so far (fifties in the day time - I have actually been going out without a coat! How crazy for this time of year!)....
Ok, promise to send more news of the holidays as I am here in Chicago for Christmas and New Yea's. Feel free to give me a call or drop me a line to let me know what you are doing..
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