Monday, April 4, 2011

Mister Mister

I miss him and he is not even mine. It is strange, but having a friend in town - even one who may not have been the closest when we lived in the same city - seems to have been what I needed. There is this strange thing of two people out of their element (i.e. living abroad from everything they love) that brings someone together and cements a bond that might never really get there without sharing something so fundamentally scary but exhilarating.

I have also been inspired: this mr. m.r. has reminded me of everything I am still looking for. For that perfect job that I get excited about, that is sometimes hard, always challenging but in the end, the thing that I could not imagine not getting the chance to ever do again. He reminds me that I am a pretty special person - I have forgotten that. That I am pretty amazing. No one has really noticed in a while or perhaps no one has appreciated it, but it is hard to always feel on top of the world, when everything seems to be spinning you in the opposite direction.

I have had fun; I have been more reckless and carefree that I have in a very long time. And I have loved every minute of it. And perhaps that is why I am so sad that he is not here anymore. I feel a little loss without him, but I am also feeling like it is time for changes. Changes in where I am and changes in what I make of my life. It is never too late to decide that even if you like most everything about your life, you can still look for the rainbow over the cloud with the silver lining. So, onwards upwards ever striving for the very best.

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