Saturday, July 11, 2009

Connection Conundrum

These days, I am starting to feel the sting of the way in which the world connects more and more. Yes, that wonderful way of communicating - of reaching out and touching all and sundry - the internet. Don't get me wrong - technology has its place and I am glad to have it, rather than to be living without it (hell, without it, you would not be reading these words nor would I have a place to leave them as my mark on the world wide wide). Nonetheless, I think the casual way we connect means that somethings - especially common decencies in life - suffer.

One thing I am fast be coming the anti-fan of is the FB friend cull. I have noticed that friends left and right are dropping off of my page (just because I have not said so, does not mean it is not apparent) but the thing is - I have little time to devote to people who probably see it as "out of sight, out of mind". Someone once described the friend cull as the metaphorical dagger in the heart; and to me, that is a pretty apt way of looking at it. I am not one of those people with loads of friends hanging off their profile just for numbers sake; surprisingly, life is not a number game - it is quality, not quantity.

And to that end, all the people I have on my friend profile are there because I know them, I love them, and I want to share in their life anyway I can. So culling me (or anyone else you might be thinking of) says you don't value my friendship. Or you're just waiting to see if I am going to notice or care enough to mention it - send that message that says "was that a mistake? noticed you're missing". Perhaps I am too proud, but I refuse to send that message when I suddenly see a friendly face missing in action; if you wanted me gone, you made it clear. Which is probably why the dagger is still stuck in the heart.

I feel another downside of all this communicating is that we're so busy letting others know what we're doing, updating, putting out vague yet tantalizing statuses, or tweeting. We get so wrapped up in saying something without saying anything. I know so many people probably think that they know what is going on with me and my life based on my status updates and random snippets that are posted in public places, yet I still feel the need to take a bit of a break and write my friends individually to share with them. And it feels like a slap in the face (man, is the body metaphors being abused right now!) when they don't (or won't) take the time to reciprocate and let me know in turn how life rolls for them. Gone the days of letter writing and the importance placed on it, but sometimes, I miss those days. At least then missives from those you loved were treated with the reverance they deserved.

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